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trade across time and cultures
跨越时间和文化的贸易  detail>>
trade volume
贸易额;交易额 贸易量  detail>>
volume of trade
交易量 贸易额 商业量  detail>>
海峡, 困难, 窘迫 斯特雷茨 之海峡球场  detail>>
agreed volume of trade
商定贸易额 议定贸易额  detail>>
bilateral trade volume
双边贸易总额  detail>>
foreign trade volume
外贸总额  detail>>
international trade volume
国际贸易额 国际贸易量  detail>>
physical volume of foreign trade
对外贸易物量  detail>>
physical volume of international trade
国际贸易量  detail>>
reduced growth in trade volume
贸易量增长率减低  detail>>
strive to bring their trade volume to
努力把贸易额增加到----  detail>>
the volume of foreign trade
对外贸易额  detail>>
total trade volume
贸易总量  detail>>
total volume of foreign trade
进出口总额  detail>>
total volume of trade
贸易总额 贸易总量  detail>>